This oscillator was ordered directly from NDK, guarantee 100% original and made in Japan.
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 80.0000MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
*NEW Best ultralow phase noise oscillator for ES9018K2M asynchronous clock work up to 384kHz.
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 49.152MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 45.1584MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 24.576MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 22.5792MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
NZ2520SD 3.3V 20ppm 12.0000MHz (size 2.5mmx2mm)
According to the official datasheet, the phase noise is much better than the famous crystek 957 under 25khz(human listenable range)
For easier comparsion(lower is better), we overlay the two phase noise graph at the same scale, under 25khz(human listenable range) nz2520sd(red line) is better, over 25khz(human unlistenable range) crystek 957 is better.
This item is in limited stock, maximum 5pcs/each frequency per buyer.
Please contact us if you want to buy more than 5, Thanks!
*Oscillator + Magnifier Bundled discount: The best magnifier suitable for reading the word on the tiny oscillator and small IC
Magnifier Detail: https://www.diyinhk.com/shop/usb-microscope-1080p-for-smt-soldering/136-the-best-handheld-magnifier-toread-tiny-small-ic-wled.html